Being Your Best Self

It’s been 15 years since BlushPretty became “a thing!” 15 years!!!

Can you believe it?  We can’t - mainly because it’s been so much fun growing over the years that it flew by. In all that time, we’ve been so busy beautifying brides, teaching beauties new tips and tricks, and promoting self-care and self-love ... that we kind of forgot to take care of BlushPretty. So what better way to promote “being your best self” than practising what we preach????I am so happy and so excited to announce that our brand and website have finally gotten a (very much needed) “makeover”. We’ve brought out pretty little website up-to-date, making it mobile friendly, easy to navigate, and chock-full of information!We hope you love the new website as much as we do! Be sure to check out our new offerings (skincare anyone?) and our new membership program (beauty your way, any day!). We’ve introduced these new services and initiatives with you in mind in the hopes of helping you along on your journey to being your best self!Thanks so much for being a part of our growth over the past 15 years ... and here’s to 15 more!Happy Long Weekend!-s-


Take these three beauty items with you into 2020 ...


Popular Opinion : yes, you need more than one concealer!