Getting your groove back …

This is it. This is YOUR year. You’re going to shine. 

If revamping your look for 2023 is on your list, here are our top three tips for putting your best face forward.

1) Focus on your skin. Your number one priority is to get your skin to fall in line. If money is no object, then maybe this includes a few laser treatments or a chemical peel or some micro needling. If you’re on a budget - that’s okay! This isn’t about resetting your skin and peeling off layers. It’s about getting your skin to the best it can be based on what you can get. Maybe you’ll start a skin cycle using your products. Or practising gua she nightly - whatever you can do - treat your skin as your number 1 priority.

2) Invest in a new set of brushes and tools for your skin. A quality set of brushes can do so much towards perfecting your makeup looks. Don’t just rely on a beauty blender and your fingers. Get that essential brush set, homie!

3) Get colour matched. No more shooing away the help at your local beauty department. Find a sales rep that you vibe with and ask them to find your perfect shade of foundation, concealer and powder. Perfecting your base makeup is the key to having all your colour cosmetics pop!


The Bridal Trial Run…


Well, Hello 2023!