Unbooked and Unbothered to Booked In and Beautiful ...

As we slowly watch April come close to an end, it’s a bit surreal to have a clear “social” calendar isn’t it. It seems that days no longer exist and we’re just riding out one super long extended weekend … or hour.

Well, no one misses having appointments more than we do but closing our doors temporarily and rescheduling bridal, beauty, and skincare treatments is the thing to do in order to flatten the curve and knock COVID-19 on its butt.

We remain optimistic that our doors will open sooner rather than later, and we can’t wait for the day when we can finally curl someone’s hair or apply false lashes or make their skin glow with a dose of low level light therapy. Until then, here are a few ways to get a head start on rescheduling your 2020 wedding (or planning your upcoming wedding), booking a beauty appointment once society reopens, and staying connected with the BlushPretty team.

  1. If you are a bride already booked with BlushPretty 2020 season but are unsure if your wedding is moving forward based on changing lockdown dates, don’t fret - you are NOT alone. We’ve had plenty of brides and clients from March, April and May already rescheduled to dates later in the season and well into 2021. We’re keeping on top of all June, July and August brides and are always available to discuss options, new dates, and beauty plans. All you need to know is your deposits are safe and transferable - just keep us posted on how your wedding day rescheduling is beginning to unfold.
  2. If you are a bride who hasn’t yet booked with our team but starting to plan your upcoming wedding, we are booking-in consultations by phone or video-conference. Our 30-minute consultations give you the opportunity to ask all the questions you might have about bridal beauty, how we operate as a team, and how we can serve you best! From there, we can set a tentative date for your trial run - post-lockdown!
  3. We get it - you got BIG PLANS for post-quarantine. You want your hair did, makeup did, everything did ... and you want to hit up your favourite beauty team to get it done. We feel you. And we got you. Right now, we are taking in bookings for June 2020 and scheduling them in like its business as usual. Of course, should businesses still be closed in June, we simply cancel your appointment - but why not schedule in your makeup, hair or skincare appointment now? It’s encouraging to have something to look forward to and as they say - “if you schedule it, it will come!”
  4. Self-isolation brings about a lot of self-reflection. If you’re like me, you may have treated the past five weeks as a time to learn new things, begin new habits, or practice better self-care. Stay connected with myself and the team by following us on Instagram or signing up for our weekly email newsletter for hot tips and insider tricks! You can also schedule an online beauty lesson during COVID-19 via Zoom. We’re offering all of our beauty lessons at a preferred rate, so please send us as email to set one up!

So in the words of the Marvellous Ms. Maisel - tits up Toronto! Our day will come soon and better hair days will follow. Until then ... stay safe and stay home!


The unexpected makeover ...


April 2020 : Hello? Is anyone there?