We’re in This Together : How We are Handling COVID19 ...

Today is March 15, 2020. And it has already been a tough March - heck, it’s been a tough 2020.

As you already know, here in Canada, we are currently under a proposed self-isolation until April 5th, 2020. This isolation against COVID19 will help to contain the spread of the virus, flatten the curve of the amount of outbreaks, and hopefully, relieve first responders, doctors, nurses - all medical aid - of the extended patient numbers and overflow in hospitals and clinics. We have never needed to come and work together more than we do during this pandemic.

By now, you have received (most likely) many emails/updates/stories from corporations, retail outlets, and small businesses (like BlushPretty) advising you of how they are taking precautions during this interesting time. You already know the basics of keeping yourself safe and how to prevent the spread of the virus. We too, take both our clientele’s and our artists’ health and safety seriously.

Is BlushPretty remaining open and providing services during COVID19?

The short answer to this is yes. Yes, we will still be providing our full set of services to all our existing and new clientele during the COVID19 pandemic. That said, during the next two weeks until April 5th, 2020, appointments and services will be provided on a limited basis, and come April 6th, 2020 - fingers crossed - we will be able to provide services under normal operation. This, of course is subject to change. We will continue to monitor reports of the pandemic, and adjust our services and policies to accommodate and support the stop of COVID19.

How will we keep our clientele and artistry team safe in the studio?

Our studios located in Toronto and Whitby run by appointment only and have always been low-traffic areas as we see only a select number of clientele per day for our makeup, hair, and skincare services, privately. We will continue this practice of running by appointment only, not allowing walk-in clientele, and keeping our daily appointments to a minimum.

In addition, not only do all BP artists sanitize and clean their kits, tools and work areas before, during, and after services, all surfaces and high-touch areas (door knobs, tabletops, sinks and taps) will also be sanitized and wiped down repeatedly.

To improve upon services and safety until COVID19 is contained, we will :

  • Continue to wash and sanitize our hands at a higher frequency between appointments, and when we have come into contact with high-touch surfaces.
  • Make hand soap, hot water, and hand sanitizer available to both our artists and clientele before and after services.
  • Extend our prep time between appointments. Normally on a busier day, we may leave only a 15-30 minute window between appointments in order to clean and prep for the next client. During this time, we will be extending to a 30-45 minute window between clients, depending on the services being provided.
  • Limit clientele in the studio to the client themselves and allow for no additional visitors to the studio. This also includes artistry staff not scheduled for the day.

What about our mobile services? How does COVID19 affect on-location services?

At this time, we are still honouring all mobile services requested for weddings and bridal parties. Most of our bridal clientele already have artists reserved and we are monitoring our artists and keeping track of their travel. Any artists who have travelled in recent weeks or immediately prior to a currently scheduled wedding will be practising self-isolation and will be replaced with another artist in order to keep you and your bridal party safe.

Much like our in-studio practices, our artists will continue to practice a high-level of hygiene by repeatedly washing their hands and keeping their kit, tools and stations sanitized. We kindly ask that you and those located in your home, hotel, or venue do the same when working around our artistry team.

How can we work together to ensure that everyone remains healthy?

It is all about teamwork, right? During COVID19, we ask that our clientele exercise the following precautions:

Please call to cancel or reschedule your appointment if you are feeling ill and under the weather. Please factor in all symptoms you may have even if they do not correlate to COVID19, including watery eyes, runny nose, sinus infection, etc.
Please practice your self-care SOLO! Normally, especially for bridal trials, we welcome additional guests in the studio - but during this time - we ask that only those receiving services be present at the studio. Limiting contact to individuals is how we stop the spread quicker!
Upon arrival, please wash your hands, and remove your outdoor gear at the door. Both our studios have access to private bathrooms. We have soap and water available, as well as hand sanitizer.
If you have recently travelled, kindly cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please adhere to advice that travellers should self-isolate for up to two-weeks upon their return.

It’s definitely an interesting time for all of us! But, it’s been great to see the entire community - globe even - come together, get on the same page, and put a stop to this pandemic. We’re stronger together everyone - even if we are all practising social distancing. :)

Thank you to all our clientele and followers for getting BlushPretty to where it is today. With your patience and understanding, we will still be here tomorrow, next week, the week after that ... and for all the months to follow. We wish you, your family, and your friends all a safe and speedy three weeks!


April 2020 : Hello? Is anyone there?


Growing Up Pretty : Laura Amaya T.